Community & Server Rules

By Carl Brown , 29 Jan 2025 at 3:50 AM
  • Carl Brown
    • Ares - Director
    • Department of Homeland Security
    • USCG High Command
    • United States Coast Guard
    29 Jan 2025 at 3:50 AM Edited on 13 Feb 2025 at 12:31 PM by Carl Brown

    1.0 Community Rules

    1.1. Actions harmful to the community or its members are prohibited.

    1.2. Actions harmful to the roleplay experience are prohibited.

    1.3. The use of racist, homophobic, sexist, prejudiced or disrespectful content are prohibited.

    1.4. Do not spam other users.

    1.5. Voice changers and playing sounds/music are permitted so long they contribute to the roleplay experience.

    1.6. Do not act out, share inappropriate content.

    1.6.1. No NSFW content where it does not belong.

    1.7. Your Teamspeak, Discord, & Forums name must match your roleplay name precisely.

    1.7.1. This means to the letter/capital and etc.

    1.7.2. Names need to be realistic first and last. Meaning no numbers, symbols or otherwise.

    1.7.3. Names of: Famous People / TV shows / Game's / Anime's / Manga's and etc. are not allowed.

    1.7.4. Names cannot hold tags.

    1.7.5. Names must be in the Latin/Roman Alphabet: "a-z / A-Z".

    1.8. Recording is permitted in any channel outside of roleplay but is not to be released publicly without everyone's consent who are recorded, unless states otherwise or by subrule: 1.8.1.

    1.8.1. This rule does not count only for in roleplay recordings on the server due to the use of "bodycams" by LEO's (Law Enforcement Officer's),

    Other factions, Civilians and for the purpose of in-game content creation by Youtuber's/Twitch Streamers and/or ITRP server advertisement by official ITRP Media Team.

    1.9. You must remain in the appropriate designated channel when on the server in-game at all times.

    1.9.1. Only exceptions are for connecting to the Request Support channels in event of requiring assistance that cannot be solved in-game.

    1.10. No Dramatic behavior / Acting Childish. Got a problem?, Talk it out! (Meaning keep things friendly).

    1.11. No Server/Community or anything of the sort shall be advertised on ITRP services unless permitted by the Chair Director.

    1.12. No Exploiting/Cheating/Hacking/Scripting or any other way that gives you an unfair advantage over other players or negatively affects others.

    1.12.1 This includes targeting a player for example their personal information through services provided by ITRP or services used by ITRP. (Discord/Teamspeak & etc.)

    1.13. Keep personal Information private of yourself and/or others!

    1.14. Do not Tag Staff members directly if require support from Staff!

    Use the ticket system, TS Channels or do a /a in-game in Twitter!

    1.15. The rules are not all inclusive and common sense should be used.

    Staff Decisions are FINAL.

    1.16. No Metagaming.

    Any Communication that is not in-game or by Forums, Staff recognized IC (In-Character) channels on Discord or anywhere else designated by staff as IC is not to be used in-game.

    1.17. Use Common Sense!

    (Think before say/do anything and by doubt ask!)

    1.18. Swearing is allowed but to a limit under the following stipulations:

    1.18.1. Only use light cursive words & slurs.

    Example: shit, crap, retard(ed), etc. Are allowed so long it comes into the benefit of roleplay!

    1.18.2. Swearing/cursing directly towards a player not in a roleplay situation and meant to actually harm a person's feelings are NOT allowed in any shape/way or form.

    1.18.3. Any serious swearing or curse words like those of racists, sexists, disease, or similar origin are prohibited at all times! (review rule: 1.2.)

    1.18.4. If a player tells you to stop, you stop!

    1.18.5. If Staff tells you to not use a certain word then DON’T!

    1.19. Have fun.

    2.0 In-Game Rules

    2.1. Roleplay EVERYTHING.

    2.2. You must have a working microphone.

    2.3. No Adult material in the theater.

    2.4. Don't abuse in-game mechanics to gain an unfair advantage.

    2.5. No playing outside the map.

    2.6. Plants grown inside of a Greenhouse are not visible to the outside.

    2.7. "Breaking out" of handcuffs is prohibited. only way out is when lock picked by another person.

    2.8. Roleplay initiation must occur prior to any aggressive action being taken.

    2.8.1. All initiations must be verbal and within roleplay.

    2.8.2. "Hands up or die" is not a valid method of initiation!

    2.9. You may not commit crime within ten (10) minutes before or after a server restart.

    2.10. When tazed, bean bagged or restraint by a Law Enforcement Officer or Security Guard you must follow all verbal orders given to you by them.

    2.10.1. This includes when restraint by criminals when being kidnapped.

    2.11. You must wait 10 minutes to return to the active shooting situation after receiving treatment from Fire Rescue or the Fire Rescue NPC located at Clinics/Hospitals.

    2.12. You cannot attempt CPR on any individuals in an ongoing situation unless that situation has ended.

    2.12.1. Exception 1: The person's body is in a safe area away from the active situation.

    2.12.2. Exception 2: Only SRT/SRU/MSRT trained medical Officers are allowed to stabilize and evacuate downed persons to Fire Rescue Personnel in a active situation provided they receive cover from fellow SRT/SRU/MSRT officers.

    (The persons stabilized and evacuated have to follow the same procedure as described in 2.10. & 2.12 & 3.16)

    2.13. You may not kill an individual you have held up for any reason if they comply with all your demands.

    2.13.1. Executions are still permitted but you must have a premeditated reason to carry out an execution.

    2.14. Metagaming an "Out of Character" action where a player's character makes use of out of roleplay/game knowledge.

    2.14.1. Individuals wearing a mask - which covers the entirety of your facial features - cannot be identified by name or sound.

    2.15. Asset Gaming - To perform actions such as when restraining a player you must have and use the relevant physical asset(s)

    (E.G: Handcuffs or zip-ties).

    2.16. You are not allowed to wait at an ATM or Bank to force a player to withdraw money from his/her bank account.

    2.17. You are not allowed to resuscitate a player for the sole purpose of executing or robbing him/her.

    2.18. You are not allowed to rob a member of the Department of Justice to obtain a license from them.

    2.19. Combat Logging - Logging out or abusing game mechanics to avoid roleplay situations is prohibited.

    2.20. Combat Storing - Storing items in a place not retrievable by the other party in the midst of initiation/combat or roleplay that risks you to lose those items to the other party.

    2.21. Users must remain on the server for 15 minutes after completing a roleplay situation before logging off.

    2.22. Random Death Matching (RDM) - The murder of individuals for no reason is prohibited.

    2.23. Vehicular Death Match is permitted in the instance of a roleplay situation,

    However, you may not chase someone down and run them over with your vehicle for the sole reason to grief other players.

    2.24. Purposefully colliding with another object using an aircraft in order to cause damage or harm / purposefully colliding with another vehicle without reason is prohibited.

    2.25. New Life Rule (NLR):

    2.25.1. You cannot return to the location you died within 10 minutes of respawning at a Clinic or Hospital.

    2.25.2. You cannot remember anything from your previous life incl. where you left your vehicle or left certain items/objects.

    2.26. We aim to foster an advanced roleplay environment where each action is meticulously executed:

    2.26.1. Disturbing/Baiting other players for no reason is considered Trolling/Griefing and is not permitted.

    2.26.2. Every action must have an underlying reason.

    2.26.3. Do not crawl through locked doors or interact with assets. or create an abnormal situation.

    2.26.4. You must remain In-Character at all times when on the server.

    2.26.5. You must value the importance of your life

    (E.G: "if you are held at gunpoint, you do what the gunman says")

    2.26.6. Do not act unrealistically, if you wouldn't do it in real life, then don't do it on our server!

    (E.G: "use of the phone while restraint").

    2.26.7. You may not dump your vehicle into the water for any unrealistic reason, including in attempt to escape an LEO.

    2.27. Excessive criminal activity or behavior deemed harmful by Staff is not permitted. Each crime must have an underlying reason.

    2.28. Death Penalty - The Death Penalty is given ONLY to those that harm the community by excessive (criminal/toxic) behavior for example.

    This Death Penalty can only be requested by the Department of Justice: Chief Justice and requires the approval of both the Directors & Chiefs to be allowed for the execution of the Death Penalty.

    The Death Penalty will when executed have the following actions being taken for example:

    1-The Person who gets this penalty will have all their assets reset to that of a new player,

    meaning the death penalty is a true death of your character.

    (Bank Account/Cash/Property/Items/Licenses/Vehicle Garages/removal from faction if member of one and etc. meaning a full account wipe/reset)

    2-Close monitoring of persons actions up till the execution and pushing through the account reset.

    During which there will be checked upon if the player attempts to circumvent the reset by send money/items or etc. to friends or other players to avoid it being wiped.

    (if this is done the players actively aiding in circumvent the wipe will be hit with a full wipe as well, including adding ban time for attempt circumvention of the wipe)

    3-Forced Name Change.

    3.0. Roleplay Specific Rules

    3.1. No Initiation Zones are areas where players are NOT allowed to initiate on other players, but may still commit crimes in that area.

    3.1.1. LEO's are exempt from this rule.

    3.1.2. Fire Rescue Grounds are a no initiation zone.

    3.1.3. USCG Station #59, Station #61, FHP Stations and Sheriff Office Stations are no initiation zones. An Exception is in an attempt to break out a fellow gang member out of LEO custody if you know absolutely sure your gang member is there.

    (seen him/her be brought there) But this attempt may only be made once.

    This is prohibited if not in the same gang as the detained person or if less than 3 members of the said faction are on said station.

    3.2. You are allowed to rob a Law Enforcement Officer of their uniforms and/or firearms.

    You are also allowed to make them drop their radio but not to pick it up and/or utilize it.

    3.2.1. You are not allowed to rob them of their faction equipment such as but not limited to: Spike Strips, Handcuffs, NVG's, and etc.

    3.2.2. You cannot rob USCG of their class 4 weapons. (Class 4 being LMG's, DMR rifles and/or their attachments)

    3.2.3. You cannot steal the USCG weaponized aircrafts. (you are allowed to steal the unarmed ones)

    3.3. LEO hostage situations: LEO kidnapping and LEO robbing may only be performed when there are at least 5 members of that same faction as your target (including Cadets/Recruits) on the server on-duty.

    3.4. Negotiations must be attempted before any lethal action can be taken.

    Maximum of $25.000 per Hostage as ransom or 1 other demand per hostage.

    3.5. Fortressing - locking yourself or others in a confined space is prohibited.

    You must have a minimum of 1 entrance and exit to the space which does not impede any part in any way/shape or form when engaged in a roleplay situation.

    3.6. New Players will have a temporary driver's license (not for commercial/motorcycle/boating/aircraft) for a duration of 5 Real life time Days from when they first joined the server.

    3.7. You are not allowed to pull fire alarms for no legitimate roleplay reason or to just troll.

    3.8. Individuals may not involve themselves in an ongoing situation.

    3.9. Fake Hostages are not permitted.

    A Fake Hostage is someone who voluntarily lets themselves be taken hostage, in exchange for payout or are part of the same gang.

    3.10. You cannot interrupt a traffic stop unless that traffic stop progresses into an arrest.

    3.11. You may not take violent action on LEO’s in a traffic stop if the traffic stop would not lead to your arrest.

    3.12. Interaction with a vehicle within 10 seconds of the driver exiting or it being unlocked without the owners explicit permission is prohibited.

    3.13. If the server restarts whilst in the midst of your detainment, restrainment, jail time, you must go back to the Law Enforcement Faction you were interacting with or detained, restraining or arresting you after the restart unless told otherwise by your arresting officer.

    3.14. Individuals are permitted to sell, distribute, utilize, or possess faction equipment for personal use or gain.

    3.14.1. Exception being of:

    1. Faction issued medical supplies,
    2. Faction radio’s,
    3. Handcuffs,
    4. NVG’s,
    5. Vehicle Disabling Rifles (LRR) including the scope,
    6. SDAR rifles, LMG's and attachments,
    7. DMR Rifles incl attachments
    8. Faction vehicles which are not allowed to be used by civilians.

    3.15. Players are not allowed to disrupt Fire Rescue, However if they are given a verbal warning that their actions will have consequences and they meet the following criteria, you may take action against them.

    3.15.1. treatment of individuals (hostile gang members or LEO’s in your presence)

    You cannot block them from treating at all but you can for until you have left the scene.

    However do NOT stay on a scene for the sole purpose to block treatment efforts!

    3.15.2. Told them to leave an active situation.

    3.15.3. Told them to prioritize care of selective individuals over other individuals needing care and this not being followed.

    3.16. If you are treated by Fire Rescue, you are to remain in their custody and follow their instructions until dismissed by Fire & Rescue Personnel.

    3.17. You are not permitted to utilize:

    1. Fire Rescue vehicles,
    2. Fire Rescue aircraft,
    3. Coast Guard Cutter(s),
    4. The contents in the inventory of these vehicles and content in the vehicles that are blacklisted from being used by civilians EG: NVG’s) without permission from a member of that faction's command.

    3.18. If you are being stopped by a Law Enforcement Officer while driving a truck (excl. fixed body trucks) you cannot evade and must stop at all times.

    4.0. Faction Rules

    4.1. Prior to altering existing or implementing new legislation,

    The Department of Justice must provide at least a 2 Days notice in advance to all Citizens in the State of Florida.

    4.2. Faction members are permitted to be corrupt under the following stipulations:

    4.2.1. Faction Command cannot be corrupt. EG: Coast Guard Officers.

    4.2.2. Not Members of USCG: CGIS or JAG.

    4.2.3. Not: Lead or Supervisors of a Sheriff Office DTU, Florida Highway Patrol SBI.

    4.2.4. Fire Rescue members who are off-duty and not in command element (LT+).

    4.2.5. Faction members may not commit any premeditated killings.

    4.2.6. Faction Members are not allowed to use faction shops to: distribute and/or sell to other members or stockpile for their personal use.

    4.3. Law Enforcement Officers must value the lives of hostages.

    4.3.1. meaning attempt to negotiate for their release but if a hostage dies, is in immediate danger, or if the hostage-takers try to escape with the hostage, then Law Enforcement Officers can cease negotiations then and there and attempt a hostage rescue operation.

    4.4. Faction members are prohibited from utilizing/wearing NVG’s (Night Vision Goggles) equipment unless they are flying faction helicopters/planes, on faction maritime vessels, member of and operating as USCG: MSRT, FHP: SRU, Sheriff Office: SRT.

    5.0. Gang Rules

    5.1. A gang is defined as a group of people (two or more) who are operating together.

    If you are operation as a group of 5 or more, you are required to be approved as an official gang.

    5.2. You are only permitted to be a member of a SINGLE gang.

    If you wish to take part in crimes/other criminal activity with a gang, you MUST be a member.

    For official gangs all members must be listed on a roster.

    5.3. Official gang postings must state the status between all other official gangs.

    5.4. You may only call reinforcements from members of your own gang.

    Individuals not in a gang are not permitted to call for reinforcements, or be called in as the reinforcements

    5.5. If members of a gang break any IronThrone RP rules, your gang can receive a strike or multiple strikes depending on severity.

    5.6. You must value the life of the members in your gang.

    5.7. If a member of your gang is taken hostage you must attempt Negotiations or roleplay it out.

    5.8. To operate as a gang you need to be wearing a clearly identifiable and similar uniform as all other members.

    By playing on our server or using our services you agree to the rules and conditions set by the Administration Team.

    Written by the ITRP Administration Team.

    See an issue or want a rule added/changed or removed then please submitted a suggestion on the forums.